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Thread: The Masque of Dreams

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    Default Re: The Masque of Dreams


    Three out of five is good odds. For now we'll assume that Kriv and Bashir follow through with the plan to get their weapons back, and hopefully Gnarg and ColdSepp will post again soon.

    You charge past the goblins, who plainly aren't expecting organized action. Reaching the all-important doorway, which is oddly unlocked and open, you race inside and quickly locate your weapons. And not a moment too soon, for the sounds of goblin pursuit are close behind! (This room is apparently an office, with a desk piled with papers, with three chairs nearby. The other door in the office is closed and locked.)

    Roll Initiative! (Now that you’re out of the great hall you don’t have to worry about reduced speed.)

    Quote Originally Posted by Corax
    the Gryphon-mage paced...
    An inventive plan, Chainge thought to himself as he watched four guests rush past the goblins out into the corridor. …but worth the risk? Chainge then sees the mounted goblin give orders, followed by two foot goblins leaving to investigate the corridor. The goblins that remain in the great hall move forward as more guests leave. One of the goblins reaches the cage, bashes in its door and then stands aside for the three albinos to step out. Then he sees something truly startling; Lady Ashinana walks forward to find out why her guests are so rapidly abandoning her.

    Shouting to the mounted goblin she says “I am the Queen Zenobia, Empress of Cynadicea, and I demand to know what you are doing in my royal court!”

    To which the goblin responds “I am here to escort you and your subjects to a great feast in your honor, Empress.” Amazingly, the Lady seems to accept this explanation and begins willfully leading even more dinner guests out into the courtyard.
    Last edited by Tequila Sunrise; 2008-11-26 at 09:40 PM.