Giggiddy starring Dirk Kris/TwoBit
It was late, and the bar was starting to empty. Dirk and TwoBit lifted their bottles and clanked them together for, like, the twentieth time that night.
"Yeah, man, congrats on your promotion."
"And congrats to you for working out that deal with the Weinstones."
"Yeah, they'll live off that settlement until they die...which'll be in...what? 10 years, tops?"
The two men laughed far harder than they should have. They'd been at the bar since they got off of work at 5:30 - 5 long hours ago. More than a little drunk, they congratulated and toasted over and over.

Now, as the evening wore on and people started to leave, they slowed the rate of their drinking, knowing their own treks home were approaching. The two men had sometimes been mistaken for brothers, both tall and dark, both with a deep, roaring laugh. They weren't, but had been friends so long it was easy to forget that. Dirk had seen TwoBit through a nasty divorce, TwoBit had seen the trail of floozies Dirk left in his wake. They got on well, and the decision to meet at their favorite bar had come like second nature.
"Meet me after work."
"Yeah. Bye."

The room was quieter, the college kids gone on to the nightclubs, the dinner patrons and sports fans finished. Among a handful of other regulars, the two men spotted a pretty, petite blonde at the end of the bar. She drank alone, watching the room, puffing away on a cigarette like a chimney. Dirk elbowed his friend.
"Nah, break-up."
TwoBit studied her a moment.
"Nope. She's hoping it'll work out."
"Oh yeah. I'd bet on it."
Dirk smirked and watched the woman a moment longer.
"I'll take that bet."
TwoBit blinked, surprised. But before he could say anything, Dirk was off.

TwoBit smiled, watching his friend. That was just his style - plunge in head first and hope he didn't hit bottom. That was too reckless for TwoBit, but fun to watch. Dirk made his approach, sitting two bar stools down and making idle small talk. TwoBit smiled. Not too direct, atta boy.

Time passed, TwoBit watched the news and waited. And eventually, Dirk got up and offered his arm. The woman took it! TwoBit stared, open-mouthed. As they passed by, he caught Dirk by the arm.
"Hey, man. How'd you do it?"

Dirk grinned. "I waited until you'd forgotten about us. You started picking your nose. And I told her if she didn't quit drinking and leave with me, she'd probably end up with you."

TwoBit flipped him the bird. "You're a bastard. Seriously."