High above the surface, isolated from the squabblings and machinations of the land-dweller things, the Alvatsoti continue to drift peacefully through the air. For a long while, they have remained the same, but now they begin to change. The eyespots lining their top sides, sensitive to both light and movement, now begin to appear along their edges and underside as well, allowing them a complete view of their surroundings in three dimensions. As their brain tissues become more complex to handle this new input without losing their ability to process distance, they now grow curious about the land beneath them now that they can see it. Some of the more 'adventurous' Alvatsoti descend to lower altitudes, where they can view the ground from a safe distance and observe what goes on there. The more conservative Alvastoti remain high above, now far safer from the winged-things-that-poke than they were before.


Bank EP from turns 2 and 3, for 13 in bank.
turn 4, spend my bank points +2 for All-Round Vision, spend remaining 3 points in Brain (now Brain 6). With Vision 7, optimized for distance and movement, plus the all-round vision, I should be able to spy on the surface without danger - you might be able to see me, but without similar vision levels, I'd just be indistinct dots or blobs.