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    Titan in the Playground
    Destro_Yersul's Avatar

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    Default Re: Shippingitp IV: Flattery Will Get You EVERYWHERE

    Wow, Cristo. That's a lot... Haven't read through it all yet, but I'm liking it so far. Deathslayer, I'm liking yours too.

    ok, songfics! Let's get sad out of the way first.

    Two Years Later

    Song: Who's That Man
    Dirk Kris/Reinholdt/Curly
    Turn left at the old hotel
    I know this boulevard much too well it hasn't changed since I been gone
    Oh, This used to be my way home

    They paved the road thru the neighborhood
    I guess the county finally fixed it good it was gettin' rough
    Someone finally complained enough

    Dirk swung his truck onto the old street. It had been too long since he was last down this way. Too long since he'd been by for a visit. He wanted to see how she was getting on without him. He'd heard, but he'd never been able to go by to see for himself. Too many memories.

    Fight the tears back with a smile
    Stop and look for a little while, oh it's plain to see
    The only thing missing is me

    The house hadn't changed. He slowed down as it came up, both afraid and hopeful about what he would see. He still loved her, of course. Time hadn't healed that wound. Not yet, anyways.

    That's my house and that's my car
    That's my dog in my back yard
    There's the window to the room
    Where she lays her pretty head
    I planted that tree out by the fence
    Not long after we moved in
    That's my kids and that's my wife
    Who's that man, runnin' my life?

    He stopped a moment, by the side of the road. Thinking. Remembering. How happy they had been. He wished it would have lasted, but somehow these things never do anymore. And there was Reinholdt, of course. He had come along, with his gifts and his kind words, and taken Curly away. Dirk had lost everything then, but that wasn't why he was here.

    If I pulled in would it cause a scene?
    There not really expectin me; those kid's have been through hell
    I hear they've adjusted well

    He looked out the window of the truck. The kids certainly seemed happy, playing in the yard. It probably wasn't worth it to stop and get out. No, they had all moved on. He was the one stuck in the past. Stuck wondering what he had done wrong, why his life had turned out this way.

    Turn around in the neigbors drive
    I'd be hard to recognise in this pick-up truck
    It's just an old fixer up

    Drive away one more time
    Lot of things runnin' thru my mind I guess the less things change
    The more they never seem the same

    The truck growled as he turned away for the last time. He would have to check the engine soon, but it had served him well so far. He wouldn't do it here though. He owed them that much. He just wanted to make sure they were happy, after all. To make sure that his life went on, even if he wasn't the one who was there to live it. But even as he left, he couldn't stop the question that had plagued him for the last two years running through his head again...

    That's my house and that's my car
    That's my dog in my back yard
    There's the window to the room
    Where she lays her pretty head
    I planted that tree out by the fence
    Not long after we moved in
    That's my kids and that's my wife
    Who's that man, runnin' my life?

    And now, we got happy. This song was a little bit harder to pick, but I like it.

    Song: I'll Never Do Better Than You
    Some day I'm gonna drive me a faster car
    Park in front of a house with a bigger yard
    I'm gonna break my back, I'm gonna bust my tail
    Taking everything another notch upscale
    I won't fail

    Drider was in the kitchen when TwoBit got home. She looked up when the door shut, and he was standing there grinning at her.

    Hey, guess what?

    They had been together so long now, she already knew the answer. But she smiled and played along, because she knew he wanted to say it first. I don't know. What?

    Got promoted today. I'm really doing it. We're moving on up. He crossed the floor and kissed her, taking her hands and spinning her around in an impromptu dance number.

    But I'll never, ever do better than you
    When it comes to your love, baby
    I've already done the best I can do
    It's so true
    I'll never, ever do better than you

    So what now? Bigger car, bigger house? Maybe a few kids?

    Maybe. We'll see. One thing's for sure though, there's no need to make dinner tonight. Get your coat, I'm going to take us out and celebrate. They finished the dance and she went to collect her things, leaving him thinking about how lucky he was.

    One day I'm gonna hit a little bigger lick
    And I'll bring you home an even bigger check
    One morning fortune's gonna smile on me
    I'm gonna go even higher than I aim to be
    Wait and see

    This is just the beginning, he told her as she got back. I've got some big plans for you and me.

    Today the company, tomorrow the world. She said, finishing their old joke.

    You know it. Course, there's one thing I'm never going to be able to improve on, cause I've already got the best. They kissed again, and headed out the door together. As they drove away from the house, he smiled again. Life was good.

    But I'll never, ever do better than you
    When it comes to your love, baby
    I've already done the best I can do
    It's so true
    I'll never, ever do better than you

    alright, three in one day. That's enough for now. Maybe you'll get some more from me tomorrow.
    Last edited by Destro_Yersul; 2008-12-19 at 01:36 AM.
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    The Great Divide Dark Heresy - Finished
    They All Uprose Dark Heresy - Finished
    Dead in the Water Dark Heresy - Finished
    House of Glass Dark Heresy - Deceased

    We All Fall Down Dark Heresy - Finished

    Sea of Stars Rogue Trader - Ongoing