Quote Originally Posted by Kazul View Post
Wouldn't that actually conflict with the idea of resistance being week and losing the war they are fighting? I mean especially "each inn" and "half the adventures and guests" parts.

Plus, how exactly are we going to fight Sovice and UNA? Don't they totally outnumber and outpower us, even not given the fact they are allied with each other? Wouldn't it be wiser to try to inform UNA members about true nature and motives of Sovices? Sorry for asking so many questions.

Edit: I had an idea once, that the colours of keys used to lock Talisman came from the scales colours of Sildyu's dragon generals - ones, who were fighting on her side out of loyality, not made to it. I think the idea is good, because there is a red key, which could symbolize ancestor of Chriky and Firedrake, who as we know was truly loyal to Sildyu. And so that leaves us with blue, orange, yellow and green general to create. So, what do you guys think about the idea?
I like it. I also think we can make Keveak's idea work. How about instead of 'half' we just have three spies per inn, 2 in the minor ones. One of these spies is a diviner, one is a picklock, and one is a warrior who specializes with small weapons (or unarmed combat). He protects the other two. At least, that is how most of the 'ALF' spies work. Other groups have their own tactics, like sending in a forger, who gets himself into people's rooms through fake documents, one is a mage who practices conjuring and other flashy spells (which he uses to distract the crowd)and one is a performer. The performer and mage go together, but the forger acts separate from his compatriots. Essentially, it varies.
And 'informing' members of the UNA would be fruitless. The Landfish tribes owe the Sovice heavily because they rebuilt their cities and brought them together, and Lockutas has been jealous for a while, by my reckoning. Ever since the Age of Dragons, it has been rather insignificant, not playing a part in the wars and everything taht's been going on. Now, it has a chance for greatness. Will it let is pass?
And all the nations believe that the Sovices are peacebringers, while the ALF is being portrayed as warmongers.
The ALF is only still around because it is well-protected. The Citadel is very powerful and nigh-impossible to penetrate, and the Schizians protect it well. The ALF is being careful to not put all its eggs in one basket. And don't forget that we've often described its battle as 'losing'.
Whew, I'm done. That's gotta be the longest post I've ever done. Gods know how many typos are there.