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Thread: Feats that suck

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    Ogre in the Playground

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    Dec 2006

    Default Re: Feats that suck

    Quote Originally Posted by Blood_Lord View Post
    If only there were some light source that you could place wherever you want and would emit light in an area around it. Something like a Light that continued indefinitely, or a Torch the burned forever, then you could hang that over above the horses, and have your own campfire (or not) separate...
    Again: The more light you put up, the more attention you draw. It matters little if you light up with one big light source or many smaller ones.

    Usually adventurers try to avoid unwanted attention.

    But I do realize that you are, by no means, an usual adventurer.

    Quote Originally Posted by Blood_Lord View Post
    And you would be able to see anyone approaching the horses, and they would have no cover or concealment.
    Youi are 100% wrong.

    Hint: Horses are neither translucent, nor do they spend their entire lives standing up. Especially not at night.

    Quote Originally Posted by Blood_Lord View Post
    He should have one of the seven hundred spells that cripple things, because that's what he prepares normally. Trees? Web that horse. Not going anywhere. Glitterdust? it moves at half speed and can't take the Run action, ect.
    {Scrubbed} Is it entirely imaginable for you that, maybe, just maybe your mage, like, used up those spells during the day!?

    Quote Originally Posted by Blood_Lord View Post
    [Elf Wizard as sentry]
    Except he's also got a racial bonus, a second check or aid another action from his familiar, alterness when his familiar is near. So he's actually got a higher bonus then most rogues of any level where you actually still use horses. (Because of course, later he's just casting Phantom Steed.)
    *Sigh* Finally a real and sensible argument! Yes, thanks to racial boni and maybe with the aid of a proper familiar, an Elf wizard isn't none too shabby as a guard. At least at the lower levels. See, that didn't even hurt.

    I have to ask though: Doesn't dedicating 4 entire spell slots each day for Phantom Steeds hurt mages power?

    Quote Originally Posted by Blood_Lord View Post
    Except he doesn't need that much sleep, because Clerics don't require rest for their spells.
    Oops, my bad. Our GM always required the divine casters to rest too. But per RAW, clerics don't need to rest to learn spells.

    Still want to get some sleep to avoid exhaustion.

    And if you get the feats to not need to sleep anymore, well, that are feats you don't spend on, say Endurance, or DMM.

    Quote Originally Posted by Blood_Lord View Post
    Well, my current party is a Warforge Dragonborn Totemist, Mongrelfolk Dragonborn Dragonfire Adept, Gnome Dragonborn Bard, and Something Dragonborn Crusader.
    *stunned silence* ... you know... this explains a lot...

    Do you even play in an Eberron campaign?

    Quote Originally Posted by Blood_Lord View Post
    *Incredibly long rant that starts with defending toughness and ends with how everyone who doesn't take Endurance wants to never be challenged*

    I think you need a permit to burn a strawman that big. Come back when you have something to say that even remotely relates to something someone has said in this thread.

    Endurance as a feat has merit if you are interested in the right kind of flavour for your character.

    Not 'you' as in 'you Blood_Lord' obviously.
    {Scrubbed} There are people who like their characters to follow a certain vision they have about that character. If Endurance happens to fit that description, they will pick it over, say, Jump of the Heavens or Power Attack or Shock Trooper.

    Not you obviously but the number of people so inclined is greater then zero (and I dare say, alot greater then 1 even). So, some people like the feat, even if it is not worth much mechanically.

    A feat can suck in two ways: It can be not worth the mechanical effect (Endurance for example), or they can have atrocious 'fluff' (Manyshot. One of my friends is an engineer and he just can't get over the two arrows fired at once apparently having the same kinetic energy...).

    Most feats are just not as good as several dozen others, mechanically, so you can't 'afford' to take them if you want to coax some extra 'power' out of your 'built'

    All I am saying is that a feat that is mechanically inferior, still can have saving graces for people who like roleplay more then rollplay. And are willing to pay the price. You aren't so this is not for you. But you are not the only player in the world. So your vote on the matter is exactly that: One. Vote.


    Back on topic: Feats that suck.


    Okay, so you are still standing at -1 to -9 hits. Sure, that means you might be able to land that hit that kills the last goblin/ork/whatever.

    But if you do go down, you go down hard. As in: You are dead.

    You know, in the original editions of D&D you were simply dead once you were out of HP. The rule that you linger on till you drop to -10 was added in AD&D to reduce PC mortality a bit. So you can fight untill you go down without having to roll up a new character every time.

    With Diehard however, you can return to the golden age of heroism, where hero wins all fights, except one. And in that one he dies.

    Diehard feat for diehard players (or masochists).

    Saving grace: If you are playing a fanatical zealot, who would rather die then admit defeat, this is the feat for you!

    Last edited by Roland St. Jude; 2009-01-07 at 11:08 AM.
    "I don't function in society. I'm a mercenary. I blow society up."

    Cpl. Shore Pibald, Schlock Mercenary.

    Quote Originally Posted by NecroRebel View Post
    ... Music ... causes Bards.
    Quote Originally Posted by Riffington View Post
    Bah. Lycar is absolutely right.