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Thread: Yukimatsuri (Yuuyake Koyake)

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    Bugbear in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Default Re: Yukimatsuri (Yuuyake Koyake)

    Zounan strides through the snow, moving with almost supernatural grace despite the unpleasant and averse conditions. Even with the biting cold, he appears to the rest of the small group unperturbed, and he has not deviated from his normal outfit at all. He glances quickly at his wristwatch. One of these days, he'd have to figure out what the numbers meant. Zounan gazes at the city, drawing in the unfamiliar sights and sounds. He sees a small statuette of himself in a local gift shop, and smirks. Zounan glances around at the group.

    "Well, this should be entertaining, at least. A few ground rules: don't tell them what you are, don't buy more than you can afford, and let's avoid pranking anyone just yet. And Kawa-chan? I'd rather avoid a repeat of the Urashima incident. Alright, everyone have fun!"

    The last is said with a superior smirk, and Zounan quickly legs through the crowd for a heated building. The illusion of immunity to the elements is entertaining, but COLD.
    Last edited by Dorizzit; 2009-01-07 at 06:26 PM.
    Truly awesome Ark Tamaeus avatar by Bryn. Full size version here.