Quote Originally Posted by SparkMandriller View Post
I've gotta say, if Endurance needs like a whole page of arguments to prove that it's possible for one of its benefits to even take effect, it might just be a bad feat.

Just maybe.
Actually, I think it's degraded down to horse-preservation tactics. Which is silly, because horses can usually be replaced, and if they can't, then they are probably the kind that can fight back (I'm looking at youuuu, trained character mount!).

Now, here's the really, really simple rundown.
Mechanically? Endurance is bad. Its uses are limited and can be replaced by items that cost very little. Even if you run a low-magic world, there are better feats to take that will probably allow your character to survive a tad longer. And since this thread is focused around MECHANICAL fail, I think the Endurance discussion can stop. Unless, of course, the Endurance supporters took Endurance, and are thus more hardy and can fruitlessly debate the issue much longer.

Mechanically failed feats? How about Touch of Golden Ice? Amazing concept, but it only works well if you have multiple attacks that connect, and then require a fort save easy to pass for creatures you would normally want to apply it to. You're lucky if the encounter doesn't die before the Touch actually works its magic.