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Thread: Yukimatsuri (Yuuyake Koyake)

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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Yukimatsuri (Yuuyake Koyake)

    Hikari and Shuichi

    Two pairs of legs stop in front of you. One of them is clad in dark jeans, the other in thick black boots, knee-length stockings, and against all reason a mid-length skirt. Knees bend and a girl crouches down into view. She looks to be about seventeen, with short black hair and a warm expression.

    "Hiya." She points to Yuichi and asks "is he yours? He's really cute."

    The owner of the dark jeans lets off a slightly put-upon sigh. If you crane your neck up to look, you can see that they belong to a boy of about the same age as the girl. He's wrapped up in a puffy, black jacket, but he's obviously still cold. His ears have turned bright pink.

    Hikari, he's kinda cute. In a serious, diligent sort of way. He's probably not aware of it.


    There it is. Like a lighthouse beacon on the storm-tossed seas. Like an oasis of warmth in this freezing sahara. A ramen-ya.

    Heat issues out of the front door invitingly.

    Of course, you don't actually have any money on you. That might be a problem.


    As you dash with dignity through the wintry streets, you hear the insistent cry of one of the street vendors.


    You turn your head for a half second and notice that the voice belongs to a rather pretty young woman behind a covered stand. Steam is rising off of its glass panels and from it you catch a whiff of...

    No. Couldn't be...

    Fried tofu?


    There's actually a handful of local stories about yuki-onna. They're not something the gift shops capitalize on, but then they don't exactly sell Tendo-the-tanuki keitai straps, either (


    You could probably rekindle some of those stories with a sufficiently elaborate prank. It'd be good for merchandising. Really.

    Oh god. Total slysdexic moment with the hengeyokai thing in the first post. I'd figured something like that might happen. Thanks for helping me correct it, though.

    Also, I'm not really going to spoilerize everyone's individual sections, since I kinda want everyone to read everything. Let me know if this bothers anyone.

    2nd OOC:
    Man, you guys are awesome. I am ridiculously glad that I decided to run this as my first game. Major props to you all.

    Also, don't be shy about giving dream points to other players.
    Last edited by Kuma Da; 2009-01-07 at 12:50 AM.
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