"Eek!" The young girl dodges to the side as Kei-chan falls flat on his face! "Kei-chan! Are you okay?" She bends down to look at him... but doesn't actually try to help him up. "...Snowball? Who would..."

She then looks up sharply, spotting a familiar face. She grins a little bit under her coat, and then points dramatically. "Mizuki-neechan! I challenge you!!" You can almost imagine a little fiery aura around the girl, melting the snow...

And then she quickly ducks down and begins packing a snowball!

"Wild! But oh so domestic..." definitely deserves at least one DP to Shuichi.

And Mizuki requires 1 DP for the unprovoked snowball to the back of Kei-chan's head!

Poor Kei-chan.