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Thread: Yukimatsuri (Yuuyake Koyake)

  1. - Top - End - #23
    Bugbear in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Default Re: Yukimatsuri (Yuuyake Koyake)

    ((Well, what Zounan is trying to do is remain elusive, but still get seen occasionally. I'll pay three dream points to pass the check, but Zounan is still going to let people get glimpses of him.))

    Zounan picks up the statuette in his teeth, careful that he doesn't make bite marks in the wood. Racing out of the alleyway, he dodges from shadow to shadow, careful to remain unseen...for the most part. Occasionally, he deliberately reveals himself, enough that people might convince themselves that they had only imagined a six tailed fox moving through the streets. When he gets nearer to the city center, he finds another dark alley and darts into it, reverting to human form. Picking up the statuette, he chuckles and drops it in his pocket.


    And Kawa gets another dream point from me.
    Last edited by Dorizzit; 2009-01-09 at 12:45 PM.
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