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Thread: Aether Uncovered

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Aether Uncovered


    Serge takes a single, smooth step forwards and flings his knife at Jadyn, piercing her shoulder before drawing two more in a single hand, watching her with deadly serious eyes.
    "No playin', love. Ya wan' a sli' throat, I'll provide. Else, ya shoul' come quiet like."
    He gestures for the thug behind him to just stand ready, giving Jadyn one more chance to make a decision.

    Serge wins initiative by virtue of surprise (I'm not going to give a surprise round- if you want to turn this into a fight, it's your turn, but Serge has already acted, so he's not flat footed.
    Serge dealt 5 damage via thrown knife.


    Old man Payne watches her with complete calm and knowing, moving the coin between them and then meshing his fingers together, placing his hands before him. He shows no surprise to her introduction, and gives a faint gesture with one hand for her to continue, simply waiting. The various novelties that testify his oracular trade lie around them- unused, yet not unmarked, somehow still significant.

    Payne smiles a little, a smile that conjures the image of a lion looking down at his domain, prideful and masterful, completely in charge. It's rather smug, honestly... as he's shown nothing but flair and dramatics so far, it might be a bit exasperating.

    "Your friend was wise to send for my knowledge in this, for I know more than many.
    "But little there is known on the subject of which you speak. There are those infused by Aether, and there are those who are descended from the infused. The rest of us make do with harnessing the powers of inert aether...
    "There was one a man who wondered what your friend did- he and strange scholars and scientists conducted an experiment, giving constant exposure to Aether in many bizarre and dangerous ways... in the end, they believed something had changed him, but they did not know what."

    Payne raises a finger, his eyes dark and dangerous as he adds to his story.
    "Yet... they never truly know how, or if, he was changed, for in their pursuit of power and knowledge, they killed him."
    He is solemn and grave, letting those last words hang in the silence for a time before continuing.

    "There have been more experiments since- some, they say, have even been successful. But these tests were more than simple contact with Aether- there was always much more to it."
    His voice is final, cutting off any possibility that it could have been otherwise.
    Last edited by AmberVael; 2009-02-04 at 09:57 PM.