
The red and blue Azrilim reappear a short while later and humbly present Aarshiya with her reworked combat claws. They'd been fitted with nether obsidian tips, etched with intricate diabolic designs and tempered to several times their former strength.

The red one croaked and puffed his throat out with pride...tapping his sticky fingers together in anticipation of Aarshiya's praise.

Before she can put them on, the Imp King snaps his gloved fingers and a sinister green light slithers its way across the etchings. Though the visual display was lost on his daughter...it provided an arcane sensation best described as a Concord flying over a tea cup.

In case anyone was curious, the Imp King's servants come and go, popping in and out of shadows, with the aid of magical trinkets which he provides. Not every devil has the ability to *puff* onto the scene like their master.

((0 AP = 4 - 4 (Create Combat Artifact w/ Domain Power)))