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    Default Re: Warhammer 40k -II- Tactics for the Tactics God

    Quote Originally Posted by Illiterate Scribe View Post
    and made off with the sample. So, if this little passage is to be believed, there was a breed of superior space marines, meant to be the next step of humanity's evolution, but now Fabius Bile has the only extant example.
    Wow, seriously, they need to get some decent security on those reasearch labs. First the primarchs, now this. Or at least make copies of the research develpoments so they can try again if something goes wrong.

    However, there's still the adeptus custodes, the super elite bodyguards of the emperor wich somehow keep him alive. It's just a shame we know so little about them, they don't even get a codex or rules. Only power reference is that what they are so distant from space marines as space marines are from normal humans.


    It's right there in fluff. The thousand son's primarch, Magnus, managed to foresee the Horus Heresy, and tried to warn the Emperor. The Emperor, rational as ever, ordered the space wolves to go and obliterate the hell out of Magnu's world for him to dare to say that his precious legions may be ploting against him. Yeah, a brilliant move at the moment whitout doubt. One of your most trusted vassals tries to warn you of a coming doom and you answer by trying to stomp him into pieces.
    Last edited by Oslecamo; 2009-02-12 at 04:02 PM.