
My . . .

. . .

My . . . French coursework is due in on Monday . . . My Medieval History coursework was set today and the deadline is one week earlier than I planned . . . My Lang coursework is due in the same day as the history coursework . . . My Classics coursework is due in on the same day as my Lit coursework: two days after my birthday.

. . .

My January results come out on the 12th . . .

Twenty six days of hell await me.
Plus I'm helping six people now with various Lit courseworks and two for Classics.


On the plus side/And worst of all:
I'll have done two - thirds (plus AS level) for three of my A Levels meaning I'm going to roughly know what I need to get for an A.



In Lit we ended up talking about homoeroticism, homoerotic images of twincestual necrophilia and baby stew fed to the father.
And I'm going to read the Bible after Paradise Lost.