Quote Originally Posted by Nameless View Post
But people making a joke out of a group of people that go around killing people seems extreamly unrealistic, even for ABR. I just don't see it.
Okay, let's make a comparison, alright?
Now, for this comparison, let's go back to the Revolutionary War of America. Around the beginning. Now, the British are very annoyed with us, but don't see us as much of a threat, because they vastly outnumber us and have tons of Sovice chips.
It is perfectly possible that some British folk referred to the rebels by an insulting name. SOME, not ALL, but it is possible that they would mock them. Possibly mocking us in a way related to Yankee Doodle, or something. I'm not good with history. But my point still stands. If they don't see us as a terrible threat, more as an annoyance, they might call us 'FAIL'. Especially if it came from a popular TV show.