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    Default Re: Relationship Woes and Advice, The Seventh Saga

    Quote Originally Posted by Felixaar View Post
    I think when you translate this out of "Mathemtician" and back to "English", Joe is saying that actually, you are attractive, and I agree with him. But when it comes down to it, it's not really that important - if a guy only liked you for your looks, bah, forget him, and theres also the fact that people are often more physically attracted to someone if they happen to like their personality. There's a little link there.
    Haha, I do tend to get a bit dispassionate when talking about people's appearance. It's because a lot of how people give compliments (and, really, a lot of romance) seems very insincere to me, so I try not to dress things up fancily so that people know that I actually mean what I say, and don't have any ulterior motives involved. It's those people who idly compliment who dilute the significance of real compliments.

    On that note, I do appreciate that you're honest about the subject, Rose Dragon. Although, unless you have some sort of defense for that point of view that I haven't thought of, I have no choice but to regard you as irrational and probably not in your right mind.

    Edit: More to the point, looks really aren't as important as they're said to be, and personality does tend to matter a lot more, even to people who say it doesn't. I was just somewhat surprised, as I could find little basis for such an opinion.
    Last edited by averagejoe; 2009-03-17 at 05:05 AM.

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