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    Colossus in the Playground

    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Default Re: Relationship Woes and Advice, The Seventh Saga

    Quote Originally Posted by Jae View Post
    BUT this particular boy is NOT a nerd. He is a cute cute cutie. And far from nerdy. so wouldnt these things not apply...?

    I love bad personality traits. i love them more than good personality traits. Dont judge me, I know that sounds crazy, but finding out peoples imperfections interests me...and in romantic situations, bad traits are pretty much a turn-on. (uhh hence the falling for the wrong people bit.) And I've never known how to just get over it. Im a wimp gr
    Well, it seems your problem is one of self control and being in need of psychiatric evaluation for only desiring things you judge to be bad out of your potential mates.

    Anyway, nerd and physically attractive are not mutually exclusive, in any event, we were fishing for information.

    You don't want to like him and are certain that you'll be met with foiled plans if you did? Make a play for him then, and get it out of the way early rather than shirking from the thought of pining away due to enforced lack of contact until he's bleached from your mind. Either you'll be pleasantly surprised or you'll get it out of the way early enough on.

    Quote Originally Posted by Partof1 View Post
    Agh, so close. My school put together this game where girls try not to talk to guys, so that took away most of my opportunity, and at the end of the day, just as I was about to ask her, some dumbass started chasing her, stuff like that is common in my school. My chance was taken , but tommorrow's another day.
    ...Your actual school? Or the apes that go there?

    If the former, do they have some kind of religiously motivated hatred of courtship rituals?

    Sounds like you should have stepped up there, then, and kept her from being chased, or at least made sure you were the one as caught her.
    Last edited by Coidzor; 2009-03-17 at 05:43 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Keld Denar View Post
    +3 Girlfriend is totally unoptimized. You are better off with a +1 Keen Witty girlfriend and then appling Greater Magic Make-up to increase her enhancement bonus.
    To Do: Reboot and finish Riptide