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Thread: The Land (Freeforum Game, Recruitment)

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Land (Freeforum Game, Recruitment)

    Allie Piett.
    Str: 1 (Engineering-work is tough on the muscles.)
    Tech: 4 (Mechanical Engineering, works with large machines. Very good at it.)
    Hob: 0 (No hobbies. Her work is hobby enough.)

    Allie Piett, age 24, has been entranced by machinery since she was 9. It's no wonder that her job is what it is---working on and engineering large pieces of tech.

    Her hair is dark and shoulderblade-length. Her skin is pale-ish, and her eyes are tawny, brassy yellow. She is somewhat above average height, thin and wiry, and rather attractive in a rough sort of way.
    She wears a black half-top, a beat-up leather duster-coat, fingerless gloves, reddish leather pants, and heavy boots. This is not fashion, this is function; the duster's leather provides protection against flying bits of engines, and the pants and boots shield her legs likewise. Over her pants is a broad workbelt.

    At 3:45, she was at work, heading toward a supply locker for something. Not important what it was.

    She carries a hefty pipe-wrench, a pair of pliers/wire-cutters, and a small screwdriver.

    Am I doing it wrong?
    Last edited by Beans; 2009-03-28 at 08:01 PM.
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