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Thread: The Land (Freeforum Game, Recruitment)

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    Barbarian in the Playground
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Just around the riverbend

    Default Re: The Land (Freeforum Game, Recruitment)

    Strength: 3 (Midfielder of Soccer (Football), but also plays Forward, Fullback, and Goalie. But Center Midi is preferred spot)
    Technician: 0 (Soccer is mostly her life)
    Hobby: 2 (In addition to soccer, as taken up drawing/painting. Some experience in art, but no formal education.)

    Elisa is a American-Brazillan (father=was american), with half-dark (South American) skin. She, at first, played with just her friends, and they started up a tourtament between them and neighbors. Her team usually won. She plays rough, fast, and never gives up. She can catch onto things fairly quickly, and knows, basically, right from wrong.
    Her father was an American artist, so she learned some from him. That is also how she knows English (Common?)
    (Hope this is good)

    At 3:45 she was walking home from a soccer game with some of her friends.
    She has, taken with her, a soccer ball, a pencil, and a large notebook of paper.
    Last edited by Je dit Viola; 2009-03-28 at 10:05 PM.
    I'm gone for a couple of years!
    I'm off doing service in developing countries in South America
    (Very little chance of internet access) - I'll try to come back afterwards