I'm looking for items to boost my charisma skill checks that are not one of the following:

- Cloak of Charisma. With this character's compulsive multi-classing, I need my cloak of resistance +4 to have good saves.
- Circlet of Persuasion. Need the headband of intellect more for the psion levels. (Wheee telepathic spymaster)
- The ioun stone that boosts my CHA. I know it exists, and if it's my only option I'll probably suck it up and buy it, but it's really not worth the money, imo, not to mention I don't much like the idea of my character having a little rock orbiting her head from a purely fluff standpoint.

So! What other delightful items are in existence? Pretty much anything is open at this point, as far as books go-- my DM will allow damn near anything, so long as it isn't horrifically broken. Thanks in advance!