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Thread: CHA Boosting Items? (3.5)

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    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Default Re: CHA Boosting Items? (3.5)

    Quote Originally Posted by monty View Post
    If you're going to be on the front line, you need Con. Casting won't save you in every situation and the things you really don't want to hit you are probably going to hit your AC anyway. And remember, the difference on average between a d4 and a d8 is 2 hp, so Con matters a lot there.
    You're a cleric; having a competing item slot for constitution and wisdom isn't an issue. At least any sort of balance issue that makes a cleric less playable.

    I guess what I'm saying is, I find your argument "the rules should have been like this in the first place, since the new rules makes the cleric more powerful," less than convincing.
    Last edited by Myrmex; 2009-03-31 at 06:26 PM.