"Hey Korgoth, give me a help here!"

Not listening much to Castle, Korgoth continued smashing at the doors, roaring in barbarian rage. Of course, that didn't help much, seeing that doors were made of reinforced steel, or what have you. Pretty soon, the poor barbarian's axe was nothing more than just a heap of scrap metal. With a look of disbelief, he threw it over his back, almost beheading Castle, while starting to thump the doors with his bare fists.

Will you listen to me for a second, you overgrown monkey?!

That finally got Korgoth's attention.


"See these barrels and boxes? They make KA-BOOM! We just need to get them over to the doors and we will have a free way to the center of the base. Well, more free than before."

"Won't we get killed before we get there?"

"That's where you come in. You carry these, I will cover you with covering fire."

"I am no pack mule!"

"You'll be dead meat if you don't listen to me. Now, which one would you preffer?"

All of sudden, Korgoth is looking down a double barreled shotgun. Gulping loudly, he smiles and nods.

"I... think I shall swallow my honor. Just this one time. Just for you."

"Ain't that sweet of you. I knew you can be reasonable. You know, you're pretty smart for barbarian."

Grunting loudly, Korgoth begins hoisting the barrels and whatnot explosives on his shoulders. A process that takes him couple of minutes all together. When he's done, the pack of explosives as, well... too high to contemplate the results of all that firepower being ignited at the same time.

"Castle, this looks somewhat, how do you put it... dangerous."

"Aw, you big sissy! Now shoo, show them who's the real man! Make me proud!"

Sighing, Korgoth slowly starts walking towards Nil base, while Castle sets himself on highest floor of the tower, M-16 in hands, grenade laucher equiped. It isn't long before the troops spot the barbarian. First comes the zombies. First they also go... 31 of them. Next are the santa elves, with candy canes.

"I always hated those things..."

Taking his sniper rifle, Castle fires few shots against the charging elves. They take out seven little bastards. The rest retreat behind the gates. By that time, Korgoth manages to huff and puff his way to the gate. As luck would have it, the way back is closed by an army of Dimir assassins. Well, eight of them, but it should be enough to take Korgoth down, no sweat.

"CASTLEEEEE!!! Do something!"

"I am, I am... SORRY!"

Taking a careful aim, he shoots one of the barrels, resulting in very big, very loud and very bright explosion, which further results in Korgoth being launched into outer space. Luckily for Dimir assassins, they manage to avoid the blast. One unlucky bastard however gets hit by a stray axe... right between the eyes.

Korgoth, exploring the space now
31 zombies, taken out by grenade explosions
7 santa elves, with an extra eye each
1 Dimir assassin
Nil's gate

My army:
1. Calvin and Hobbes
2. Captain Caveman and Teen Angels
3. Danger Mouse and Penfold
4. Korgoth
5. 100 cannon fodder soldiers
6. Alma
7. Sephiroth
8. Waldo
9. Frank Castle
10. Ten Grey Knights