Quote Originally Posted by Boogastreehouse View Post
He will remain in the story partly because he's such an entertaining little creep, and partly because he's going to be in the perfect position to provide us with a view of another unexplored region in the Order of the Stick Universe; Hell.

Belkar will go to Hell upon his death, never to draw another breath, but he will still play an important part in the story, just as Roy is still in the story, despite having been in Heaven for the last few million episodes.
Now that does bring up an idea. If Belkar gets sent off to the lower planes, he could interact with our fiends, which gives him several ways to possibly help the party. Attack the fiends at a crucial moment, somehow learn of their plans and warn the party, or...

Quote Originally Posted by Boogastreehouse View Post
I expect that V will go to Hell at some point, while paying off his/her soul-debt, and have an extra-dimensional side-adventure with the Late Belkar.
Well, it's possible. But if we are guessing right, the fiends will be acting at a crucial time. The party reaches the gate, and V suddenly changes sides and blasts the party pretty much. Maybe some deal is reached with Redcloak and they start the spellcasting. Anyway, there won't be much time for a side adventure.
It would more likely be related to the base adventure, as with Not-Nale. V's soul is dumped into some Hell and meets Belkar. The two find some way to interfere with the fiendish plans.

Quote Originally Posted by JJ48
Personally, I would have to say that, as far as I'm concerned, only what the Oracle says while in his trance should be taken as true prophecy. Information given outside the trance, though still possibly correct, is not officially part of the prophecy, and should not be treated as such.
So far all the information we have says that the Oracle is about as accurate out of trance as in trance. The trance is merely a way to avoid the memory wash.