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Thread: my gaming group

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Mar 2009

    Default Re: my gaming group

    the innocent monsters thing was so it didn't feel too restricted and only one person would really feel the need for that anyways. they can also only kill innocent monsters if it's in a dungeon and they have no reason to believe they're innocent.

    as I said before one player is my brother who is younger than me and does not live in a different house so it would be impossile to uninvite him

    also the two toehr players come over once a week because they're homeschooled and it's sort of a family get together. I have no bearing in it and if I told my mom she would just say it's selfish.

    the problem isn't that it takes fun away from other players. the problem is I put a lot of time into being a DM, I actually had to make all of their characters for them ecause they don't have access to a gaming store or library and that took about ten hours. plus another five to read the players handbook and get the info I needed. I also took a while to get it all down on character sheets and now it's going to take a while to get the descriptions for feats done so I don't have to look at my computer egvery time I want to know the effect of a power. oh and the screwing around would take up about two hours of a three hour session so we would never get anything done and I might as well disband the group.

    I might just kick the players out. my brother can play with the other two cousins if need be. oh and I actually like your solution kamikasi. believe me you have no idea how tempting that is. however I'm not belkar so it ain't happening

    and I'm not a control freak I just don't like spending a few hours a week on somethin that is never going to be done.
    Last edited by Mystic Muse; 2009-04-07 at 06:06 AM.