I activate my first trap, Call of the Graveyard!

10 elves, 1 blackmage, Big Boss, and 3 non-plot important Ganmen arise as ZOMBIES!

They surround the castle, guarding it. The elves look a little squicked out, but bring out there new weapon-A large catapult. The 3 ganmen crawl into the catapult, and launch themselves at Mordokai's castle. As soon as they comne closer to Mordokai's castle, they explode due to the bomb the elves installed.

The undead elves move into another layer of the castle to continue to make weapons, while Sizemore places some of the elves new "toys" across the battlefield.

The blackmage and Big Boss take the place of the gate, and will flare/shoot anyone who is not in my army who gets to close.

The megazord is now fully formed, and will use it's cheesy animation powers giant sword to attack at any ariel and ground threats that near the castle.

The remaining Ganmen go for a fly-by attack near Mordokai, and attack Captain Caveman and the teen angels, before Sephiroth comes forward to drive them away. Sadly for Sephiroth, Darth Vader does not like competition.

As he nears Vader's Ganmen, the face opens up, reveling Vader, who leaps from the machine to encounter the one winged angel.

The dark side is strong with this one.

Sadly for Vader, Sephiroth had range. His katana slashed towardws Vader, but was stopped as Vader cut off the tip with his lightsaber.

Vader's use of the force allowed him to crash into Sephiroth, as they both plummted down to the ground as Vader cut off his wing. They never stopped fighting until the ground killed them both.


Captain Cave Man and the Teen Angels
Peices of his castle
Saint Nil
2 more plot important Ganmen
Darth Vader


1. Yami Yugi (the abridged series version)-Has created zombies
2. Sizemore
3. Wanda
4. 20 15 non-plot important flying ganmen
5. Big Boss
6. Darth Vader
7. Five Power Rangers and their Megazords
8. Four Three BlackMages
9. 20 10 Santa Elves
10. Mordokai