Quote Originally Posted by Tyrael View Post
Interesting. I wonder why Sizemore thinks Parson is WORSE than the other Warlords? I was under the impression he thought Parson was BETTER than them.

Hey there... I just registered tonight, after being a lurker/reader for months, simply because I had to post how completely awesome Erfworld is becoming

As to Sizemore: He wants peace, and dislikes killing.

When Parson was using manuever to avoid direct combat, Sizemore liked that. When Parson began having volcanoes detonated to kill thousands, Sizemore hated that.

Janis just let on that "The Perfect Warlord" is probably the best route to lasting peace for Erfworld... by making the continuation of the traditional war so hideously horrible, that it's no longer seen as a desireable passtime by whomever survives whatever Parson does next.

I'm not sure if Sizemore really believes her, but he should. She has the right idea.