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Thread: Erfworld 154 - tBfGK - 141

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Erfworld 154 - tBfGK - 141

    Quote Originally Posted by Spot View Post
    Janis just let on that "The Perfect Warlord" is probably the best route to lasting peace for Erfworld... by making the continuation of the traditional war so hideously horrible, that it's no longer seen as a desireable passtime by whomever survives whatever Parson does next.
    While a whole M.A.D. thing is one way that could bring "peace", I think it's more likely that the idea is that Janis is hoping Parson breaks things so hard, that it brings about change. Maybe even beyond just simple rules, but break the culture, the ideas of that world.

    Parson really isn't one of the bad guys, it's just he's a good strategist. Maybe even the best the game world has ever seen. I mean, he did beat Charlie.

    But, maybe most importantly... Parson unlike pretty much every other warlord could actually appreciate the idea of peace. It's probably an utterly alien idea to the world. "Peace, what's that? You mean that gap of time that we spend building up units?" Parson actually values life. And freedom. Values that aren't necessary for "the game".
    Last edited by Xuincherguixe; 2009-04-17 at 11:02 PM.

    Rizban: You could be all, "Today's Destruction is brought to you by the color green.... I HATE GREEN!" then fly off mumbling to yourself "Seven... seven bats... mwa ha ha ha..."

    Quote Originally Posted by Flickerdart View Post
    Everyone knows you can just parse XML with regex.
    Don't mind me. I'm just going to have some post traumatic flashbacks in the corner here and sob uncontrollably.

    Millenium Earl by Shmee