Quote Originally Posted by kpenguin View Post
I think you're stretching that a little bit.
Mmmmmaybe. To me, however, it's clear that almost every name in Erfworld contains some layered pun or allusion. ("Dora" defeats me at the moment, okay....) When we're first introduced to Sizemore on (pp 11, 13), he's trying to learn the basics of Flower Power, hinting at the character's essential pacifism. And for a dirtamancer's name to contain the seism- root-- an earthquake, from the Greek to quake, to shake-- this has to be more than a mere Assrockers in-joke ("Durt" a mancy?).

I don't see the comic making a point of Sizemore's celibacy, musical inspiration, communalism, or wooden crafts, so I won't claim he's a Shaker. A Quaker, yes, but not a Shaker.

(Now I have Run-DMC's "Peter Piper" stuck in my head. Darn it.)