Quote Originally Posted by Thajocoth View Post
That is exactly what strains my suspension of disbelief. The aberrant creatures are not weird enough. They don't seem to me like anything that would cause people to go insane just by hanging around them too often. I hope they release some weirder stuff in MM2 because I plan to have a portal open to the Far Realm with the PCs getting the job to close it.
Well, to be fair, the grell isn't really meant to drive you insane so much as it's meant to paralyze you and slash you to pieces.

But come on, that thing shouldn't be! It hovers in the air despite no apparent means to do so! It's a giant lump of flesh and tentacles with no eyes, ears or nose! And yet, it hunts you even it shouldn't be able to even find you ! HOW DOES IT FIND YOU?!