Quote Originally Posted by Kyouhen View Post
I dunno, Feanor's example included swearing a blood oath against the god of evil. That could be considered a good act. He just went chaotic good is all.
When was the last time genocide was considered a Chaotic Good act? Feanor was not a nice guy, and the Kinslaying wasn't the only not-so-nice thing. Part of that blood oath included a curse that ANYONE who came into possession of the Silmarils that wasn't one of them would suffer a terrible fate. This extended to people who were trying to recover the Silmarils for them, like Beren. That curse killed a lot of people, and it's one of the things that Feanor is remembered most for. Not to mention Feanor refused to donate the Silmarils to the Valar so the Trees of the Valar, the greatest and most important sources of light in the world, could be restored. He wanted to keep the Silmarils for himself. Say what you will about swearing a blood-oath against Melkor, that doesn't excuse the stuff Feanor did.