There is no reason for an average intelligent player or game master to copy the ridiculously stupid fantasy racism; Drow are People, as are all opther people. People aren't either good or evil (those overtly simplified, childish terms should be avoided eitherway by all people with an intellectual capacity beyond a 10-year old), they have their problems and virtues, and so on. Morals are conventions and depending on the society the people live in; the very idea that the individuals from one society are intrinsically morally superior to an other is condencending at best and an unreleflected acception of a philosphy that is disgusting - it doesn't matter if the racist crap relates to fictional instead of real cultures- the basic idea doesn't get any better through that.

And that are only societies - if you follow the hopelessly outdated model that culture and ethnics - or even worse, personality - are internally linked, the whole situation only gets worse.