All elves are racist.

I mean, look at the irritating bastards.

(source: The Complete Elf, outdated D&D sourcebook)

"Oh, fah-tee-da, look at me. I'm a laughing, fey, carefree creature who's so much better than everyone else. I live in a fancy tree village that has no crime or badness or pollution whatsoever. We're the best at every kind of craft, from weaving, to woodworking...not that we ever cut down trees to do so, Because That Would Be Wrong...brewing, even though we don't get drunk, cooking, all that. The only thing we're not the best at is stoneworking, which the dwarves are better aaaaaaat wait a minute, no, I tell a lie, we're better at that too. Can't let any of those less fey races be better at anything at all, now can we? Our singing voices are so beautiful that when singing dirges, we literally kill any lesser races who might be listening. We're so peace-loving and caring, except for that whole holiday every year where we go out and murder every single orc we can find, including women and children. Because nothing says rollicking festivities like genocide! Anyway, elves are actually the best thieves, because they're subtler than halflings, better fighters than dwarves, because we're so graceful and godly, better mages than anyone ever because we're mothaflippin' elves, and better at any class than any race ever because we are. Our art is so beautiful it puts people into seizures. Literally. Even when we die, we get to go to this super special double awesome mega-heaven that's much better than any other afterlife, that only we can get into. Sweet, huh? Now if you'll excuse me, I've got a lot of Being Better Than You to catch up on, and racial supremacy doesn't maintain itself!"

To be fair, this isn't so much racism as being gratingly superior. Turns out, for that edition, the deity and creator of all the elves was Ma'ry Suue.

Don't even get me started on the fairies from Artemis Fowl, though.