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    Nov 2007
    Houston, TX

    Default Re: Phantom of the Opera Werewolf - Game Thread

    I think I'll go along with that. Shadowcaller is my point.

    He's been layin' low. Like REALLY low.

    First, he voted on the Aemoh bandwagon.
    Then he voted Murska...

    He's kept quiet the entire time, only posting when voting.

    Then, suddenly... This Gutsy play... out of character for a wolf? Fleeing coward did it... Here, on day 1... FLAUNTING it.

    But why break character? Why start talking? What was the point, that warranted it?

    Arguing against contacting Happy. Right after Fleeing Coward did.

    Following that, he was 2nd or 3rd on me, in an effort, I assume, to start a bandwagon. Again, was following bandwagons, suddenly a deviation on starting one. Why?

    If he's a villager, he's done some damage to team good here... and he's supported known wolves.
    Last edited by Talic; 2009-04-28 at 11:22 AM.