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Thread: [3.5e] Newbie looking to play with magic

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    DragoonWraith's Avatar

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    Apr 2009

    Default Re: [3.5e] Newbie looking to play with magic

    Ah, I see what you mean. Hmm. Enfeeblement, Scorching, Finger of Death, and Irresistable Dance are my only attack spells requiring a Touch attack. I do have 14 Dex, so I'm not awful in that department. True Strike might not be worth it, I think you're right.

    Any thoughts on swapping Arcane Sight for something? It really seems like the biggest weakness in my list right now... Tongues and Clairaudience/Clairvoyance don't seem so great, either, though. Crystal Keep lists a few more 3rd Divinations, but most are rather specific to certain campaigns (Discern Shapechanger, where Shapechangers are prevalent, Detect Portal, in games with lots of Plane movement)... the only one that stands out as not awful is Lesser Telepathic Bond, but that's still pretty poor. Which is all a shame, since there are non-Divination 3rd spells that I would be quite interested in.
    Last edited by DragoonWraith; 2009-04-29 at 04:56 PM.