Quote Originally Posted by Knaight View Post
That would make sense. The game does gloss over recharging to some extent, so what would probably be easiest is something closer to a hybrid of the psionics system(power points) along with an overheating system(so recharge, but you can fire pre recharge. Its a good way to damage your suit, but sometimes its worth it).

Of course, this assumes your sticking to D20 entirely. If your still up for a system switch, I would throw in Fudge again. I've recently used it for a game involving powered armor (its intentionally ridiculous, basically the technologically advanced humans and the magic using demons are both at war, with limited strikes towards humans from the demons. In addition both of them are seeking El-Dorado and Atlantis, believed to be super weapons with tons of magical energy. The vast majority of humans are not aware of the war, as it is underground. Some of the people actually fighting the demons have powered armor, and Fudge worked beautifully for it.)
Huh, intresting. Looking over it in wikipedia, it sounds like it would be supremely easy to work with. Which I think somebody already said. *shrug* I'll go ahead and order a book whenever I next stop by the book store. Untill then, I'll just tinker around in d20.

About the buster power supply, that’s a good idea. Link it to the suits power generator. Hmm... pushing the buster past it's recharge levels could force the suit to shut down briefly, lowering speed by -10, dropping the strength bonus, and giving a -5 penalty to reflexes until it's recharged. The power points thing is a good idea. 150 sounds good for now. Okay, so 150 energy points, with a 1/1 ratio for energy used by shots. More powerful shots could use up more energy, but you could install a bigger refractor to get a bigger power pool.

So your shooting and... lets say once you get to 20 points left you get a warning. If you push it to 10 points it shuts down the suit to conserve energy, and if you drain it completely it damages the refractor. Perhaps a 5% accumulative chance of breaking the refractor every time you drain the power supply. So to avoid all that you spend a full round action when you reach 20 points to allow the generator to recharge. I guess you could allow 50 points to recharge for every full round action spent to recharge.

Wow, I kinda took that idea and ran with it.