I just did some heavy rolling, so here goes:

Yokyok x Chimera (True love/Not PG)
Not enough of a stretch, actually.

MitD x Bozzok (American high school)

Crystal x Argent (Adultery/Pregnancy)
Conversely, I'm not touching this "with a thirty-nine-and-a-half foot poooooole!"

Mr. Rodrigez x Miko (American high school)
...What? They're both Lawful Stupid, it's completely tame!

Chief of Police x Durkon w/ Thor's Might (Snowed in)
Um, okaaay...

Lien x Deemun Roches (Aliens made them do it)
Okay, this make a good crack pair. Still, just because...

Thog x Female Zz'dtri x Hilgya (Snowed in/True love)
Wow, three dual plot devices in only seven rolls? And the return of Female Zz'dtri! Someone do a fanfic on this!

Feel free to write for any or all of these.