First, I want to say, what type of game is it? That really changes the answers. What do you want your game to do? Who should play it?

For this, I'm going to assume D&D the way I most enjoy playing it.

Quote Originally Posted by ShneekeyTheLost View Post
1) Would requiring lots of dice (at least in mid and high level play) per roll make you less likely to play the game. If not, would you change that opinion if another method of generating a similar bell curve without requiring physical dice was presented with it?
Many dice is fine by me.

Quote Originally Posted by ShneekeyTheLost View Post
2) Do you feel that the game mechanics should support Multiple Stat Dependency to minimize 'min/maxing'? If so, do you feel that the Multiple Stat Dependency should be relatively equal among the characters/classes, without a way to make a character dependent on only a single stat?
No. Stats are actually mostly legacy, and not good. You should be able to arrange things so that you only need 3 stats, and one is your focus.

Quote Originally Posted by ShneekeyTheLost View Post
3) Would having a 'point buy' type system for stat generation be something that would make the game more appealing, or would it detract from the game?
Yes. See stats as legacy. I should be able to make the character I want to play.

Quote Originally Posted by ShneekeyTheLost View Post
4) Would having broad, general classes representing general archetypes that can be further customized through character creation and development be a bonus, or would it be something that would make you less likely to play? If less likely, would you rather a 'classless' system (like GURPS) or would you prefer something with more rigid classes (like D&D)?
This really depends on the genre. But hypothetically, I would say, classes should be what power sources in 4e should have been. A class should be Wizard, or Shadowcaster, but you should be able to make different kinds of Shadowcasters or Wizards, even some that do melee, or single target, or AoE, or damage or debuffs.

Quote Originally Posted by ShneekeyTheLost View Post
5) Would you be upset if there was no multiclassing/duo-classing? How about if the classes were flexible enough that you could eventually get at least proficient in nearly anything, if you really wanted to?
Well, as my above classes, you can't really be multiclassed, but as I said, it should be flexible in that class should not lock you into role.

Quote Originally Posted by ShneekeyTheLost View Post
6) Would you like a rich, in-depth world pre-created (for example, releasing the Forgotten Realms world-book along with the Core rules), or would you prefer it to 'keep it simple' and release just game mechanics? If you would like the world pre-created, would you like it in a single, massive book, or would you like the Rulebook, then the Worldbook released simultaneously (likely with a 'package deal'), or would you like to get just the Rulebook out the door fastest, then release the Worldbook some six months to a year later?
Probably an existing world. But I would try to make it included in the core material, sort of like Greyhawk in D&D. Ideas about what kinds of things exist is good, specific places is not.

Quote Originally Posted by ShneekeyTheLost View Post
7) Would you be upset if the rulebook(s) only came in digital format, perhaps with software bundled to make it easier to use (such as dice generator, mapper, and other gaming software), if it meant the rulebook was MUCH less expensive (around $10.00 USD vs $40-$50 for a physical book)?
That would be fine by me. In fact, preferred.

Quote Originally Posted by ShneekeyTheLost View Post
8) Would you be upset if the rulebook had some form of DRM software which prevented it from being copied more than once, but would allow it to be moved around (so you could put it on your zip drive and bring it to your friend's house, and keep a backup copy at home. You could even let your friend borrow the zip drive, or move the file from the zip drive to HIS computer, but could not cop/paste it to his computer)?
Generally speaking I would be upset by any DRM of any kind because I don't like that **** on my computer. But I would be willing to make wide allowances based on how not intrusive it is.

Honestly, you should just build it as restrictions into the file if you can, not as actual running crap. If someone wants to crack your material a lot, they will, but if it requires even a modicum of programming that will stop all but the people who would also defeat your DRM.