You need to take Sacred Vow to get Vow of Poverty, but it looks like you just forgot to put it down as your level 1 feat.

Gaining feats via the locations in Complete Scoundrel costs character wealth, any Otyugh Hole feat costs 3,000 gp. The soonest you could have gained that going by wealth by level is at level 4, and you cannot gain it after taking VoP because you no longer have any wealth to spend.

"All of the following are class features of the warshaper prestige class. The class features function only when the warshaper is in a form other than her own." A Shifter is not capable of taking any different forms, Fist of the Forest is not capable of taking any different forms. Even though you qualify for Warshaper, you won't be able to benefit from its class features unless someone else casts a Polymorph or similar effect on you. Slightly modifying your normal form does not count as being in a form that's not your own, it's still your own form just a little bit different.

As it stands, the build doesn't work. You can't have any Otyugh Hole feats before level 4, so you can't take Forsaker from level 2. Using Shifter or Changeling to get Warshaper is extremely cheesy, and a Shifter can't even benefit from its class features without other abilities that actually change it into another creature.