Neither Forsaker nor VoP are a good way to solve your issues. You did read the part in Forsaker about sacrificing magic items to maintain your abilities, right? And you know that VoP requires not that you don't keep magic items, but that you DONATE most of your WBL? So...are you giving away your share of treasure to not violate your Vow, or are you smashing it to maintain your Forsaker abilities?

If you want to be tanky, try this:

Dwarf Ranger1/Fighter2/Barbarian2/Deepwarden2/ExoticWeaponMaster1/OccultSlayer5/PiousTemplar7

Only 2 stats you need are Str and Con, with at least a 14 wisdom after magic is applied, and then only at the highest levels. You have 5 HD of d12, 9 HD of d10, and 6 HD of d8. Take Steadfast Determination and your will save is based off Con, and you never autofail fort saves on a 1, which, your fort save should be through the roof, and with Mettle from PT, you'll never be affected by a Fort/Partial again. You don't have any qualms about receiving buffs or spells from allies and you have great resiliance vs damage (huge HPs) and vs spells (Occult Slayer + great saves). For weapon, get a Waraxe (2handed) with EWM's Uncanny Blow for 2x str to damage OR Urgrosh (again, 2handed) with EWM's Flurry of Strikes for more attacks with 2handed PA goodness.
