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Thread: 4th Ed Night Attacks

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    Bugbear in the Playground

    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Default Re: 4th Ed Night Attacks

    I think, using rough 3.5 rules, I'll make it so that:
    all light armor takes 4 rounds to put on. Someone helping you halves the time. All heavier armor require a short rest (5minutes) and a shield is a move action to equip. I guess all other items are also move actions to equip. Sleeping in any armor (Cloth too) makes you fatigued. He or she takes a -2 penalty on Strength and Dexterity and can’t charge or run.

    What do you guys think? It's not exactly what 3.5 says but it is easy to remember: Don't sleep in your gear, and are you willing to take 2-4 rounds armoring up? I wanted to minimize the exceptions and minutiae of the old rule with this simplified rule. If this works out, I'll be have the occasional encounter that gets surprise round and either 2 rounds with less combatants or unarmored combatants. And it works both ways as well.
    Last edited by HMS Invincible; 2009-05-25 at 03:09 AM.