Quote Originally Posted by Jamin View Post
When you use a vulgar word it is vulgar any way you use it.
In my opinion, your vision may be narrower than it needs to be on this subject.

It seems to me that you may be so rooted in the lessons that you were taught as a 5-year-old, that you might be unable to comprehend WHY you were taught those lessons when you were 5.

Small children are taught NEVER to use certain words, because those words are bad. They are told this, not because the words are inherantly bad, but because small children only understand simple, direct, and non-complex instructions.

As these small children later grow up to become adults, and become capable of comprehending nuance, subtlety, the use of differing social mores for differing social contexts, most of them will grow to understand that the world is much more complex than the simplistic maxims they were taught as a 5-year-old.

Others, however, will simply remain obediant to their early lessons, foreswearing all subtlety, nuance, and complexity, in favor of the warm and comforting feeling of virtuousness that comes from unquestioning obediance of rules that need never be explained, but must merely be obeyed.

As the latest strip demonstrates, the character of Parson Gotti is *not* one of the latter type of person.

I assume that most readers (as I do) find this to be a virtue of Parson's, rather than a flaw.