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Thread: Erfworld 162

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    SolkaTruesilver's Avatar

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    Default Re: Erfworld 162

    I don't buy the "not in control" and "driven by rage". Maybe Parson was angry, maybe he had powerful emotions flowing trough him..

    But I think the whole final comic was him being in complete moment of purpose. It was Him Vs The World. Parson Vs The Rules. He had to put all his focus into that moment, when he shattered what existed in the world of Erfworld...

    It makes a complete difference between someone who "let loose" a swear word because he has been angered, injured or surprised. These swearwords are usually involountary, and I agree that they are rarely needed.

    But this time, it wasn't an accidental swearword. If anything else, I don't think there have been a swearword more intentional than this one. And that's what makes it powerful.
    Last edited by SolkaTruesilver; 2009-05-30 at 10:46 AM.