My first character was a thief from the RPG Drakar och Demoner 6e (I think it's native to Sweden, or at least Scandinavia). He was a halfling thief with no actual weapon skill, so he fought with his hands. Later he learned thrown weapons, and at the end of the campaign he tossed knives and Molotov cocktails, but only when absolutely required.

In one of the first fights he was in, I believe it was against 3 robbers or so, he did what every self respecting thief does in a fight: ran the hell away and hid in a bush (playing a coward is so awesomely fun). Luckily, we had a big brute of a warrior on our team and he made short work of the enemies. He tossed them around a bit, though; one of them was knocked backwards, and he landed, dazed, in my bush! I made another hide check, and he didn't discover me, but it took another round for him to regain his bearings. In that time, I had stolen his pouch, and was giggling like a maniac when he ran off to be slaughtered.

After the battle, I joined in the lamentations over the poor loot on the enemies. No need for them to know ^^