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    Bugbear in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Default Re: Most Satisfying 1st Combat with a Character

    My last character in Warhammer Fantasy was a Roadwarden/Highwayman (I started in an Advanced Career thanks to a house-rule where the GM lets late-coming characters trade in fate points for XP). Throughout his short career, he seemed to lean towards extremes of either good or bad luck.

    In his first battle, he got jumped by 4 skavens at melee range, missing the only shot he managed to make before going down, and to top it off had one of his guns stolen while he was unconscious (the value of which he never managed to regain a fraction of, guns are terribly expensive). Probably would be the least satisfying 1st combat with a character

    In his second battle, the party had attracted the attention of minotaur guarding a temple entrance. We were out in the open when the minotaur began to charge us (Note: Minotaurs in Warhammer are very nasty and have insane armor). The other characters had bows or crossbows, and they started to fire at it with little noticeable effect because of its huge DR. My character just levelled his gun towards the creature and calmly waited until he could see the white in its eyes (or until it came into the short range of his pistol, game-mechanic wise..). Then he fired.. and hit.. and critted...and critted again. (In Warhammer Fantasy crit damage can get arbitrarily high as long as you keep rolling a 10 on your damage die)
    It ended up doing 30+ damage, and the GM ruled that the minotaur was simply torn apart by the shoulder, all the while complaining that this should have been a hard encounter .

    In his last "battle", the party was travelling through a forest on the lookout for some mutant abberrations. Hearing something stir in a bush, he raised his gun. It proved to be just a flock of geese, but I decided that my character, having been heavily wounded (both physically and mentally) by said mutants the night before, was at this point so edgy that he was going to fire anyway.
    And so his gun promptly exploded in his hand, critting and killing him on the spot Least glorious death ever... (and even less glorious when one considers what those mutants had done to him the night before, but it's probably best not to elaborate on that *shudder*)
    Last edited by Corlindale; 2009-06-01 at 12:39 PM.