Quote Originally Posted by choie View Post
Amazing, just ... amazing. How do you keep this suspense up, Rich? We haven't been able to exhale since V left the Order! My heart's still in my throat! Bravo. Boy, V looks even worse, if possible.

Re: the flight thing. I know it's been four whole strips, JeptCloak, but please direct your attention to #653, bottom left panel. After the Greater Dispel, V crashes to the ground and cries out:

Vaarsuvius: My defenses! My flight spell!

We already knew V had no flight spell! Maybe you didn't hear V through all the gnashing of teeth over V's wizardry not uber alles-ing?

Anyway, what I'd like to see is sort of my prediction, FWIW (and with Rich's incredible storytelling skills, my prediction's definitely not worth much!):

Blackwing takes the phylactery and tosses it into the Rift. Xykon tries to zap the bird, but O-Chul flings himself into the blast of the spell, sacrificing himself.

Thank you for a phenomenal ride so far, Rich. I can't wait to see how this progresses. You're making me chugalug on blood pressure medicine!
No, I got that part... It's just he got all his spells replenished after the splice, so he should have another one to hand since he already cast one that day.