Quote Originally Posted by Kalbron View Post
The only question I have is why Xykon didn't add Instant Summons to the thing. Surely if you're going to be bored and adding all the wards you can to it, a quick-find spell is surely a no-brainer. Especially for someone as lazy as Xykon.
Urks. That'd be the worst idea he could have.
A) He does not really need it to summon.
B) Imagine this "To get to the Evil Overlords Phylactery, you must cross the River of Damned, go through the Plains of Hunger, climb the Hills of Death, dive through the Cavern of Desperation, fight Lava-Golems, Hope-Draining Monsters, Face the Demon of Deception, solve the Unsolveable Riddle and finally get the phylactery from the Chamber of the Traps. And after that, you must face the Head Cleric of the Evil Goblin God, who happens to carry it around his neck. Or, well, you could just find out what the word to summon the thing is, then it just appears in your hand."

Together with A), B) would be totally stupid, both Redcloak and Xykon are genre-educated enough to know that'd boomerang right back at them and result in a broken phylactery.