Quote Originally Posted by galdon View Post
but who determines if a word is vulgar? in what logical way is one word more or less vulgar than any other word?

Straight from wiki answers: Swearing originated from the natural human desire to exclaim if things go wrong or hurt.

Basically, saying OUCH is swearing if you got picky about it. aside from your trained reaction, there is literally no difference between the level of offensiveness a word has from another. Vulgarity therefor is created by the listener not the speaker.

Just to dash your statement, take a word for example i would assume the word filter would turn it into asterisks. that word is an acronym for Store High In Transit. it was a necessary label for shipping manure on wooden ships to keep it from becoming moist in the bottom of the ship and releasing flammable fumes that would cause the ship to go up in flames.

So, instead of denying the existence of these necessary words from artistic use, perhaps you should look back on yourself and ask why you get offended by words others are not. because there truly is no difference but in your own mind between dagnabbit and the F bomb.
OK this is silly there is a difference between dagnabbit and the f-bomb and everyone knows it. The f-word is offense in both meaning and usage. Try to twist the facts as much as you want but the word will always mean what it means.