Quote Originally Posted by skim172 View Post
I mentioned this in another V thread:

The logical converse of a true statement is not always true.


Statement: If it rains, it's cloudy. - True
Converse: If it's cloudy, it rains. - Sometimes false.

Statement: If they are the same gender, they'll have to adopt kids. - True
Converse: If they have to adopt kids, then they're the same gender. - Sometimes false.

Meaning the pairing of V and whatever-their-name-is does not necessarily mean they're a homosexual couple, simply because they have adopted children.

I say this in defense of many adopted children out there and the people who have taken them in, as well as many more children waiting for an adoptive parent who don't need the additional stigma of "you only do it if you're gay."

There're already enough negative stereotypes about adoption in modern culture already.
OK, just to clarify two things:

I didn't say that my theory was logical. In fact, I branded it silly, and I pointed out that it's not conclusive evidence. I still hope that some people at least cracked a smile at it just because of its weird argumentation. And I know that there are several other reasons for adoption.

Which brings me to the second point: I wasn't making fun of anyone - not gay people, not adopters, not infertile couples. My wife and me had been trying three years for a child of our own, and only when we started considering adoption ourselves our daughter decided to honor us with her presence.

So, if anybody feels offended, I apologise. If you want a mod to remove my post, go ahead