Quote Originally Posted by Kyeudo View Post
Another question: Would changing the saving throw of Utterances to 10 + Utterance Level + Int modifier make Utterances with saves better or worse than the current 10 + 1/2 Truenamer level + Cha modifier?
Basically, that helps by making them more SAD, but gives the save a weaker mechanic overall. Since you get Utterances more slowly than traditional casters (who do indeed increase at a rate of roughly 1/2 level), and since you have a lower maximum level (6 vs. 9), you'll lose out overall unless you're seriously pumping your INT. Even then, your low-level utterances will fade in usefulness much more so than they do as it stands. This goes even more so for LCT and LPM (I don't think that there are any LCT that allow saves, but LPM is hurt by this).

Now, if you combine this with the easily-missed rule that states that you can raise the effective spell level of an utterance by increasing the DC by 4 per desired level increase, that could be interesting, but possibly abused.